Wednesday, 6 March 2013

lippie Tuesday- Lush liquid lipstick in Passionate.

On Tuesday's from now on I'm going to share my favourite lip products. Sorry the first one's late, but from now on it will be on time- promise!  Bascially my collection is about 65% stuff for my lips. lipgloss', lipsticks, lip balms etc. Today's choice is Lush Passionate, I bought this on bit of a whim in the january sales reduced from £14 to £7.

 The photo's really don't do it jusitce. It's super opaque, has a blue/purple undertone that's definitely visible when it's on the lips, it makes your teeth look super white!
This product is almost a lipstick, lipgloss, lip stain in one. When you first apply this product, it almost has a greasy film to it, but once it dries down, it is amazing! The colour is gorgeous and probably the only one of it kind in my collection. It has a purple/blue undertone that's obvious but in a good way.

The packaging is cute, and is easy to use, it is harder to store, but it would look lovely sat on a dressing table anyway. Obviously it isn't tested on animals, and everything is recyclable except for the wand. Overall I would definitely pay £14 for this product, it's one of favourite products at the moment.

Have you tried lush make up? Cam xxxx

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