So this is a bit of a re-discovery, it was massively hyped about at one point and has suddenly seemed to have disappeared. My skin goes through fases where it breaks out quite badly, and recently I started using this again! It is a face mask that literally smells like minty toothpaste. It's super refreshing and works well.
It claims to 'dry up acne pimples, rinse away blackheads and shrink pores' and as far as the dry up pimples and blackheads go I totally agree! I haven't noticed a huge difference in my pores but 2/3 isn't bad!
I basically take all of my make up off, put a pretty thick layer of this where I need it- normally my cheeks and chin and then let it dry for between 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. I then splash my face with cold water- it feels really nice and refreshing. The scent isn't over powering and doesn't linger on the skin. This also isn't tested on animals- yay! So out of 10 I give it 11. Hahha.
It does really leave your skin smooth and reduces the redness of spots definitely. Unfortunately I don't think you can buy this in the uk, I got mine from eBay. There are loads available on eBay so if you fancy trying it check there! And it's pretty affordable, I think it cost me around £7 including postage, and didn't take too long to arrive. Mine is the 2oz size but I'm sure you can get larger tubes.
I will most definitely be re-purchasing when I run out.
Have you tried this? Cam xxxx
I've never heard of it, but I'm always on the lookout for new skincare products.
It's really worth having a look at, it's lovely.