The first reason as to why I like this quote- It makes sense. It's not too complex, it doesn't have a really deep meaning, it does what it say on the tin basically.
The second reason- I am quite a pessamist and I can't help it, it's just the way I'm made and the way I think, therefore this is the perfect quote for me.
Third reason- I think many more of us should try and live by this quote.
Recently I hit a rough patch in my life, being the summer holidays I didn't have too much to take my mind of anything that happened around me. During the holidays one of my family members ended up having quite major surgery, my boyfriend broke up with me and my exam results weren't as I hoped.
So basically I had a few weeks of serious rubbishness, me and my now ex split on our 3 month anniversary a week before my dad had surgery. And then a week after my dad's operation, came my exam results. Obviously I was gutted, when me and my ex split, it was a complete surprise, he just didn't feel the same way that I did, but we've decided that we can still be friends, Luckily my dad's operation went ok and he was out of hospital a week later. ( bearing in mind he'd already been there for about 5 weeks) but being the pessamist I am, nothing was looking very positive. When I picked up my exam results I knew what was coming- I had completely messed up my last year ( year 12) I didn't revise for my A/S exams, I barely turned up for some of my lessons and I couldn't concentrate when I did. I knew I'd messed up but still I hoped that it wouldn't be too bad.
But after an emotional couple of weeks, one day browsing on the internet i stumbled across this quote and it is really inspiring. Everytime I'm feeling down or sad about something, I remember that quote and try and carry on the rest of my day as normal. It definitely true- why live in the past? When you have the whole future to look forward to.

What's your favourite quote?
Cam xxxx
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