Saturday, 8 December 2012

Possibility shower gel, shampoo and bubble bath.

Today's post is about new shower gels that I'm really liking at the moment. Shower gel is a bit of a weird item to blog about, agreed. But these make me feel festive so I thought I'd share them with you! My two favourites are the 'Vanilla creme brulee' and 'Ginger snap Cookies.' These are pretty similar to the Philosophy shower gels. They are triple use- shower gel, shampoo and bubble bath.

As bubble bath, I love them although you need quite a lot to create a decent amount of bubbles. But the scent lasts on your skin for a short time after you get out of the bath which I think is nice. I've never tried them as shampoo and as shower gel they're pretty good, they don't lather as much as I would like but they pretty much do the shop and I enjoy their scents. The Ginger snap cookie one has probably got to be my favourite. I've seen these for sale in Superdrug, Waitrose, and Savers. I believe they usually cost around £3.00- which is a steal for these products considering the Philosophy ones are around £14.00 each! You get 525ml in each bottle and the packaging is cute, they've written the recipe for whatever food scented one you buy. The bottles are clear with a black lid, all in all a nice design.

I definitely want to buy more of these. Have you ever tried them?

Cam xxxx